Remote Envenomation Consultancy Services RECS is a risk management support system. RECS was strategically developed to assist healthcare professionals at various levels of clinical management for bites/stings envenoming from venomous animals and poisoning from naturally occurring toxins. Remote Envenomation Consultancy Services is a 24hr ‘on-call’ consultation service and training provider, mainly but not exclusively, for healthcare professionals since 2010. This unique service was officially established in early 2012. RECS originated in Malaysia and was initially made up of Emergency Physicians and members of MST with a special interest in Clinical Toxinology. The efforts of RECS has made a huge impact in patient's care, and is recognized and supported by Ministry of Health and the Toxinology Societes in ASEAN countries. The main objective of RECS is to enhance a favorable outcome by optimizing and advocating appropriate treatment modalities at every level of clinical management.
Consultation was initially established through telephone calls, email and various forms of short text messaging systems. Smart mobile communication device is now essential for the consultation procedure. Various consultation groups have been created on WhatsApp exclusively for Doctors and Pharmacists from various healthcare facilities. All consultation procedures strictly follows the guideline provided by the MOH Director General of Health circular bil. 10/2016. The inclusion of AI technology into the recent development of MyRECS Mobile App will revolutionise RECS consultation protocol in the near future.
RECS consultants have grown in numbers through mentorship and fellowship training and expanded its role to include consultants from ASEAN countries. To become RECS ASEAN Consultant, one must demonstrate a strong interest in Clinical Toxinology and must complete several training requirement. The candidate's nomination must be proposed and supported by RECS Consultant Members. The nomination must then be approved by a majority vote of the RECS Council.
The requirements are:
1. Graduated as a medical specialist (Masters Degree or higher)
2. Successfully completed a lists of related compulsory courses and related Symposium or Conferences:
- First Aid for Snakebite Course FACS
- First Aid for Marine Envenoming course FAME
- Snakebite Envenoming Management course SEM
- Marine Envenoming & Poisoning course MEP
- Arthropods Bites & Stings course ABS
- Mushroom Poisoning Management course MPM
- Short Course on Clinical Toxinology (SCCT)
- ASEAN Marine animals & Snake Envenoming Management Symposium AMSEM
- Regional Toxinology Conferences or IST World Congress (optional)
3. Active Membership of:
- Any of the Toxinology Societies in ASEAN countries eg. MST, TSI and PhiTonS Inc.
- International Society on Toxinology IST (optional)
The RECS ASEAN Council was formed on the 7th February 2020 following the 1st Standardisation Workshop of RECS Educational Programs in Langkawi, Malaysia. RECS ASEAN becomes the platform for the development of the ASEAN Fellowship of Clinical Toxinology (AFCT) program. In the near future, all RECS Consultants are fellows of AFCT.
RECS Council
(February 2020 - January 2023)
Dr Zainalabidin Mohamed@Ismail
Honorable Secretary
Dr Ruth Sabrina Safferi
Associate Prof Dr Ahmad Khaldun Ismail
Council Members
Dr Anisah Adnan
Dr Mohd Shukruddeen Salleh
Dr Patrick Joseph Tiglao
Dr Emelia Santamaria
Dr dr Tri Maharani
Dr Azhana Hassan
Assistant Prof Dr Aida Nur Sharini Mohd Shah
Dr Khamla Choumlivong
RECS Educational Activities
RECS@MST conducts various workshops/seminars/courses for the public and healthcare professionals.
These includes :
1. First Aid for Snakebite Course FACS
2. Snake Bite Envenoming Management SEM
3. Marine Envenoming & Poisoning MEP
4. ASEAN Marine Animals & Snake Envenoming Management AMSEM
RECS@MST educational program is conducted several times a year either by RECS@MST or via collaboration with various organisations/institutions.
Interested parties or individuals who wish to organise SEM / MEP or to invite RECS consultants to conduct Continuous Medical Education CME seminars or public awareness programs/talks, please